by Anna Liebermann
Are other/new aspects of one's identy emerging through the change of location?
What impact does the teaching style and knowledge base from the different universities have on the student?
What is it like to return to Switzerland?
What does heritage / belonging and social roots mean now?
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From Swiss mountains high,
A woman of two lands did fly,
To Dutch lands she did go,
To build a life and watch it grow.

In Rotterdam she found her path,
Her love for art led her to the class,
To study animation, a dream to chase,
With every stroke, a new world to embrace.

But in her heart, she longed for home,
For Swiss mountains where she had roamed,
So she packed her bags, said goodbye to Rotterdam,
And set off to find her childhood forgotten.

In Lucerne, she found a place,
To reconnect with her Swiss grace,
To learn and grow, to make new friends,
Her adventure never came to an end.

Five months, she immersed in Swiss culture,
And felt the love and warmth of her mother,
Two schools now held a place in her heart,
A journey of discovery from the start.

With memories and experiences to take,
She bid farewell and took to the lake,
WDKA and HSLU, now forever combined,
In her heart and soul, a love entwined.
Patience and detail,
Hours at the desk, prevail,
Endless beauty unveil.
annabjörn · Reflection (diary)
February 2023
April 2022
CLICK on the cloud to learn more
same same but different
Not exactly how I ever imagined my first day at school to look like
😂 😳